What is the Point of AXIO Core Financials with Dynamics 365 for Operations?

The SBS Group Blog

At first glance, it just doesn’t make sense that SBS Group (or anyone for that matter) would create a third-party solution to enhance financial management for one of the world’s most noted financial management solutions.  I’ve had several potential clients ask about this and my answer is always the same:  It is about helping our customers realize business value faster.

When a business invests in technology, they expect tangible results.  Whether they’re aspiring to enhance operational performance, improve the customer experience or capitalize on new opportunities, the goal is to provide genuine business value in the least amount of time.  The days of waiting for smart technologists to reverse engineer generalized solutions to the needs of individual companies over the course of months and years has been put to pasture by the advent of cloud computing.

We’ve implemented ERP solutions for thousands of companies and have learned a thing or…

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When is Dynamics 365 for Project Service Automation (PSA) the right fit?

The SBS Group Blog

SBS Group is well known for expertise in helping project-oriented companies to leverage Microsoft and other technologies to operate more efficiently and profitably.  Solutions like AXIO Professional Services enhance Dynamics 365 for Operations and Progressus for Professional Services provide PSA and ERP for Dynamics NAV.

Another solution, Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation (PSA), is available to project-oriented companies who wish to dive into the Dynamics 365 platform.  Instead of an ERP-based project management solution, Dynamics 365 PSA offers a more client centric based solution.

Each of these solutions provide customers with comprehensive feature sets nested in a full Microsoft customer experience.  The trick is understanding the short-term and long-term benefits of each solution to understand which best fits a specific customer environment.  In this post, we will explore Dynamics 365 for Project Service Automation (PSA) to better understand what types of companies it would serve the best.

Dynamics 365 for Project Service Automation

Key Features…

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Gartner Magic Quadrant Reveals Microsoft as a Leader in BI and Analytics Platforms

The SBS Group Blog

A core piece of Microsoft’s focus over the past few years has been business intelligence (BI) and analytics. It seems the commitment and effort continue to pay off! Microsoft was recently positioned as a Leader in BI and Analytics in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for the 10th year in a row. Microsoft was rated highly in completeness of vision and ability to execute. The combination of these two makes them a leader in the industry.

Microsoft recognized that with more and more companies transitioning to online platforms, there was more data now, than ever before, for companies to analyze. The problem is, not everyone knows what type of data is out there and how the combination of certain data sets can create actionable insights. Many executives express frustration because they know their business data is valuable, but they don’t know how to ‘get at it’.

Kamal Hathi, the General…

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A Business System Platform for Professional Services Firms and Project-based Businesses

The SBS Group Blog

Professional services firms and project-based businesses invest in technology to improve employee productivity, streamline operations, improve sales, marketing, and customer engagement. Additionally, these firms invest in order to get better insights into their businesses to drive continued improvements. Over time, most organizations have invested in a number of stand-alone point solutions addressing different areas of need. However, the largest and most successful companies, go beyond point solutions by creating a unified solution, either through an extensive integration of best-of-breed technologies, or standardization on a technology platform such as Oracle or SAP.

Until recently, the cost and complexity of implementing such a comprehensive solution was beyond the reach of all but the largest global organizations. That is no longer the case! With the introduction of Microsoft Dynamics 365 — joining Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Power BI, and Microsoft Office 365 — any size professional services firm or project-based business can…

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Dynamics 365 For Operations Tip: Now you can use Position based hierarchies in all workflows

The SBS Group Blog

Using a Reporting manager hierarchy for routing workflow documents has always been possible in Microsoft Dynamics AX and Dynamics 365 For Operations. This worked great in cases where you were required to route all of an employee’s workflow documents, such as timesheets, expense reports, purchase requisitions and more, to the manager they report to.

Now in Dynamics 365 For Operations, you can use Custom configured position hierarchies to route workflow documents. So, let’s say  you have a scenario where you need to route timesheets of an employee to the reporting manager, but route the expense reports to a manager they report to in a specific project hierarchy, you can configure this in Dynamics 365 For Operations ! Let’s see how?

On the Position Hierarchy Types, you can select the workflows which can use the selected position Hierarchy for outing documents. For example, in the screenshot below notice that the…

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Best Practices when developing a CRM System

The SBS Group Blog


  1. An absolute must! It is ridiculous to spend money on software and customization, and not spend money on the one item that will actually get people to use the system.
  2. Users who are not confident will not use the system.
  3. Always include hands-on practice.
  4. Divide training into functional segments, and have people only attend training that is relevant to their work.
  5. Ramp up training as skill sets improve.
  6. Provide advanced training for Power Users.
  7. Provide a contact who will quickly answer User questions, especially in the beginning.
  8. Provide specialized Administrator Training.

Helpful Training Videos 


  1. Getting User Buy-In
    1. Include User input when deciding options.
    2. Ask Users what measure they will use to decide whether or not the installation is a success, then include those items.
    3. Manage expectations by letting them know what is within scope and what is not.
    4. Map as many fields as possible to avoid duplicate…

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